Thursday, January 25, 2024

Orphan Beaten, Tortured and Imprisoned Part 2: The Conclusion of the Alifaire Shoffer Story

 After posting my previous blog, I sent a link to it to the "Summer of Sorrow" movie Facebook page.  When they responded. they informed me that Alifaire Shoffer, the victim in this horrible case, was their Great-Aunt. Small world, huh?

Anyway, they informed me that a few years ago they had covered Alifaire's story in a series of podcasts called "Watered Down Women."

I just finished listening to the rest of Alifaire's story, and sadly, things never improved for her at all.

I won't spoil the rest of the story for you, but if you want to know the rest of Alifaire's story, here are the links to the podcast series. Each episode is only 15 minutes long. So you can listen to all four parts in an hour.  

 "Watered Down Women" Season 2 Episode 2

"Watered Down Women" Season 2 Episode 3

"Watered Down Women" Season 2 Episode 4

"Watered Down Women" Season 2 Episode 5

Thankfully, through the efforts of her family as well as historians such as myself, Alifaire's story will not be forgotten anytime soon. 

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 An apparent familial grudge led to murder on the evening of Sunday, September 6, 1953. At approximately 9:00 P.M. members of the family of ...