Saturday, September 23, 2023



 Cause Terror In Lewis County Oil Camp


They Knock On The Roofs And Terrify Sleepers By Walking Over Beds


Mr. Gottlilsch Moves Out


Old Resident's Story of How He Met Three Headless Women At Midnight


Site Of Indian Massacre

The Vanceburg Sun says: For some days past excitement has prevailed at the Kinniconick Oil Camp, not saying that excitement is any unusual state of affairs since the oil boom struck Straight Fork some months ago. But a new feature somewhat more novel and Interesting to the nonresidents of the camp is now disclosed.

We shall attempt to describe, if though vaguely and imperfectly, the maneuvers of what, for want of a more suitable name, must be called a ghost, and as writers of ghost stories have, it seems, acquired quite a reputation from the reckless manner in which they seem to deal with truth, we shall endeavor to give accurate details, which may be verified by any of the members of the said company, so to begin.

 The members of the company mentioned above occupied a house owned and occupied a few years ago by E.W. Bryant, who recently moved to Olive Hill. 

Mr. Bryant and his family, with but little ado moved suddenly from the building which was then comparatively new into an old log house on the same place.

 Shrewd enough he was in not allowing the fact that the building was haunted to become public and, so fortunately for him, disposed of it before the circumstances became generally known.

About a week ago the specter made Its initial visit to the present occupants of the building while a protracted meeting was being held in the neighborhood.

 One just after dusk, several churchgoers were called in to bear the peculiar rapping it persisted In making, which must have been similar to rapple familiar to the soldier. The noise at that time was made on the roof of the building at different points and at various intervals, and some of the boys were of the opinion that It was a sport of the neighborhood amusing himself at their expense and a search of the premises was made. Finally, forbearance ceasing to be a virtue, a repeating rifle was brought out with the remark, "I just dare you to do that again," but the word dare seemed only a signal for a recommencement of the proceedings instanter. The owner of the rifle was afterward seen very carefully removing evidence of its sudden immersion in a mud puddle, and some, were of the opinion that a Bible might prove more defensive in such an emergency than a repeating rife.

To relieve the monotony of rappings frequent falling as of some heavy weight on the second story floor would be accompanied by groanings which might be expressive of the feelings of the lost in the lower regions of eternal darkness, and now, as this nocturnal visitor which had been ordering dreams for the crew in serial form during a succession of nights, concluded that its presence had not been sufficiently manifested, made an effort the result of which was gratifying to such an extent that it was made final. 

Messrs. Gottllsch and Frank Rowland, occupying the same room, seemed to be commanding the especial attention of this ghost, and on this last visit Mr. Gottlisch was awakened as by some thing or person walking over him. and at almost the same moment Frank Rowland jumped from his bed in another part of the room with a terrifying yell that "there it was" and trying to catch the thing which he says he plainly saw, and which had unmistakable weight, but no material body was there to meet his clutches. 

Little wonder it is that when the other occupants brought in a light on these subjects they found them with every individual hair on their heads standing on tiptoe, and every color in their faces that had no business there, and an endless procession of lumps still chasing each other in hot haste up their throats. 

Mr. Upton. one of the preachers, spent the night with them on one occasion, and although he does not testify to the apparition, confirms report that there is something extraordinary about the case, "as sure God," and explained further that "it was not appointed for man to understand the workings of the spirit." 

On two different occasions a ghost conducted Frank Rowland past the haunted house when he was returning from church up to the head of Cherry Camp when each time Wad Morgan's timely appearance caused the ghost to release Mr. Rowland and influence him to return, then favor Mr. Morgan with its attention.

 lr is reported by the older inhabitants that a tradition has been handed down that many years ago an Indian massacre was committed in this vicinity, and while it is not known   exactly where the outrage was committed, it is thought probable that it occurred on the site of the present haunted building.

In conclusion, we will mention that James Bryant, an old resident of this place, a few years ago met, a short distance from this ghostly rendezvous, three headless women dressed in white sauntering along the road about midnight, and also that E. W. Bryant, one-night last winter, while riding near the same place saw a monstrous frog following him along the road. From his description the creature resembled an enormous frog being subject to the X-ray test, it being translucent with luminous eyes, which were constantly blinking at him. 

The affair Is a neighborhood topic and can be substantiated by many reputable persons in the community and will be held in dread remembrance by the gentleman whose headquarters have been in the building. Mr. Gottlisch returned to his home in the city this week, where ghosts and rumors of ghosts will not mar the even tenor of his everyday life.

Published in the Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY, December 21, 1902.

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