Saturday, September 10, 2022

Charles Manson: His Kentucky Roots Run Deep!


Charles Manson

I normally don’t do two blogs in one day.  And I do have a more serious case to investigate for a blog that I will be starting soon.  But this subject once again came up on a social media group earlier this week.  And as always it was full of mistruths and rumors.  So I thought that I would do a short blog to hopefully once and for all shed some light on Charles Manson and his Kentucky ties.

Last year I learned that Manson was my 9th cousin once removed. Though very distant, when I found there was a little bit of an ancestral connection I began digging into Manson’s Kentucky beginnings.

I am eliminating names here because I don’t want folks going around  vandalizing graves simply because someone was related to Manson.  And yes there are idiots out there that would do that.

 But Charles Manson, for all intents and purposes, was a Kentucky boy. He spent time here, and his roots run deep here.

Charles was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.  His mother was born in Rowan County (Morehead), KY.   Her parents resided in Rowan County before eventually migrating to Ashland, KY. In fact Charles’ maternal grandmother was born in Rowan County as well, and his maternal grandfather was born in Elliott County, KY.

One of the homes in Ashland, KY
where Charles lived for a while.

I don't have a timeline of when they actually moved from Morehead. But I know they lived for a while in the Grahn community in Carter County. And according to Ron Daley of the "Troublesome Creek Times" in Hindman, the family arrived in Ashland when Charles' mother was ten years old. Her parents stayed there and apparently died there because that is where they are buried. 

 Charles Manson's Maternal Great Grandparents, Great-Great Grandparents, and Great Great Great Grandparents were from Carter County, KY and are buried there. His 4th Great Grandfather was born in Richmond, KY and is buried in Carter County.

The Home of
Charles Manson's Father
that used to stand in
Catlettsburg, KY

Manson's biological father was born in Pike County, KY and resided and  is buried in Catlettsburg, KY in Boyd County.  Manson's Paternal Grandfather is from Pike County, KY and is buried in Catlettsburg Cemetery as well along with his wife.

Manson's paternal Great-Grandparents and Great-Great Grandparents are buried in Pike County, KY.

Author Willie Davis stated in his book “Ghost Towns of 174” that Manson recounted in a San Quentin video about spending time in Morehead just before heading to the West Coast.  Charles also said in a letter to Ron Daley "I stomped all over Ky."

The former Blue Moon Cafe
Knott County, KY. Charles & his mother
lived upstairs for a short time.

 For a brief period of time, Charles & his mother lived in Knott County, KY where she worked at the Blue Moon Cafe. She worked downstairs in the bar - and they lived upstairs. Charles said that he was 5 or 6 years old at the time.  
Charles went on to describe Hindman as a "law and order border town," and said that "it's true that you can't take the hills out of the boy." That building, though rapidly falling into despair thanks to vandalism after Charlie’s passing, is for sale.

 In closing I want to clear up on rumor that I have heard time and time again.  And that is the rumor that Manson and his family killed his Uncle in Ashland, Kentucky.  That is not true.  Yes, he was a suspect for a brief time.  But the Los Angeles Police Department was able to prove that Manson was NOT in Kentucky at the time of his uncle’s murder.

So I hope this clears up some misconceptions and rumors about Manson’s Kentucky roots.

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